Cold Chisels are used for cutting and chipping away pieces of metal and are made of carbon steel usually rectangular , hexagonal or octagonal cross-section. They are forged to shape, roughly ground, and then hardened and tempered. Afterwards the edge is ground sharp to the correct cutting angle, care being taken not to overheat the steel and draw the temper. The cutting angle given to the chisel is determined mainly by the nature of the metal to be chipped. It varies between 35* to 70* , the less acute angles being for the harder and tougher metals. The Chisel is subdivided into cutting edge, shank and head, and this is generally specified by the length. and width of the cut ting edge ; and particularly by the width of the cutting edge. A 25 mm cold chisel means a chisel with a 25 mm wide cutting edge. The shape of its cutting edge is also required to completely specify the chisel. The five most common types are the flat, the cross-cut, the diamond pointed, the half round and the ...
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