This is number two in the total volume of resins used. It is a crystal clear, odorless , tasteless plastic with a high gloss. Most grades are quite brittle and unless modified will hold static electricity. Polystyrene has an excellent tensile strength, but it can be used only up to 66 to 90*c. It is easily produced in any form, by most processes, and easily can be joined by the cementing. It is used for bottles, low cost picnic utensils, model knits, signs, toys, etc. in a wide choice of colors. Expanded foam in slabs or beads is a leading use of polystyrene.
Polypropylene is an excellent insulator and is stiffer than polyethylene. It can be molded or extruded into sheet, film or pipe. It is used for automobile accelerator pedals, luggage and hospital equipment. They have unlimited colorability.
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