Sweep moldings are employed for molding parts whose shape is that of a surface of revolution. In the preliminary process, a base 1 and spindle 2 is well placed in the foundry floor. The sand is filled in and rammed until the excavation forms approximately the shape and size of the required casting. A sweep holder 5 is then placed in the spindle land the sweep 6 is attached by bolts and nuts. The surface of the mold is produced by the profile of the sweep as it is rotated about the spindle. After sweeping, the spindle is removed and the mold patched at the center. The gate is then cut and the mold is ready for pouring.
Advantages Of Air Refrigeration : 1. The refrigerant used namely air is cheap and easily available. 2. There is no danger of fire or toxic effects due to leakages. 3. The weight to ton of refrigeration ratio is less as compared to other systems. Disadvantages Of Air Refrigeration : 1. The quantity of Refrigerant used per ton of refrigeration is high as compared to other systems. 2. The COP of the system is very low. Therefore running cost is high. 3. The danger of frosting at the expander valves is more as the air contains moisture content.
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