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Nozzle is a duct varying cross-sectional area in which the velocity increases with the corresponding drop in pressure.

It is main function is to produce a jet of steam with high velocity. For example, nozzles are used in steam turbines, gas turbines, in jet engines, rocket motors, flow measurement and many other applicants.


Following 3 types of  Nozzles are important from the subject point of  view : 


In Convergent nozzle, the cross-sectional area decreases from the inlet section to the outlet section.


In Divergent nozzle, the cross sectional area increases from the inlet section to the outlet section.


When the cross section of a nozzle first decreases form the inlet section to throat and then increases from its throat to outlet section, it is called a convergent - divergent nozzle.


  1. Great blog! I found the detailed explanation of steam nozzles and their types informative. The insights on different nozzle applications are very helpful, especially in understanding their versatility. I was also thinking about how similar principles could apply to water features, like fountains, where choosing the right fountain nozzle can make a huge difference in the aesthetics and performance. If you're considering professional advice or consultation for any water-related projects, I highly recommend BluRain. They are experts when it comes to creating stunning water features and providing the right solutions.


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