- What is Hazard ?
Hazard is any substance that can hurt you or make you ill. It is expressed in degree. Degree of hazard is the function of risk, exposure, vulnerability and response.
Hazard = f (risk * exposure * vulnerability * response)
What is Risk ?
Risk is the frequency of events causing losses.
Types of Hazards :
Hazards are of the following types
Physical Hazards
Physical hazards are the substances (or) activities that threaten your physical safety. They will be present in most work places at one time or another. They can be detected through your scenes of touch or sight.Example : Cold , Heat , Non-Ionising Radiation , Noise , Ionizing radiation , Vibrations, Air - Pollution.
Physical Hazards and their health effects :
* Radioactive radiations :
Its affects the cells in the body and the function of glands and organs. It may also leads to cancer.
* UV Radiations :
It leads to skin cancer.
* Global warming :
Its causes famine and high mortality rate.
* Chloro fluorocarbons :
Damage O3 layer, allows more UV rays. thus leads to skin cancer
* Noise :
Painful and irreparable damage to human ear.
Chemical Hazards
Chemical hazards are systems, where chemical accidents like fires, explosions, leakages, could occur under certain circumstances. These are generally present when a worker is exposed to any chemical preparation in the work place in any form (solid, liquid, gas). Chemical hazard causes illness, skin irritation or breathing problems. A large number of chemicals are introduced in the environment by anthropogenic activities.
*Liquids like cleaning products, paints , acids, solvents.
*Vapours and fumes that come from welding or exposure to solvents
*Gases like acetylene, propane, carbon monoxide.
*Flammable materials like gasoline, solvents and explosive chemicals.
Chemical Hazards and their health effects :
Combustion of Fossil fuels ( Liberates So2, No2, Co2 and particular matters): It leads to bronchitis and other lung diseases.
Industrial effluents ( toxic) : Kills cells and cause cancer, and death.
Pesticides like DDT and chlorinated pesticides : Affect the food chain.
Heavy metals like Hg, Cd, Pb, Fluoride and nitrate:
Contaminate water, cause ill effects.
Materials derived from medical treatment of animal or human which cause harm to humans.
Entry of Biological hazards into the body :
There are three major routes through which micro organism enter into our body.
1. Through the respiratory system.
2. Transmission through contact with body fluids of the infected.
3. Contact with contaminated objects.
Biological hazards and their effects
Bacteria, viruses and parasites. - diarrhea, Malaria, parasitic worms, anemia, respiratory disease, cholera.
- Ventilation of the places should be improved.
- Effective use of UV lamp and air conditioning systems.
- Use of personal protective equipment, like masks, gloves, protective cloths, eye shield.
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